Embed Excel In Onenote 2016 For Mac
Auto Sync and Refresh Contents of Excel .xlsx File to OneNote
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The 'Auto OneNote' tool provides the ability to monitor and synchronize an Excel file to OneNote.
This makes it easy to edit Excel files, and auto sync to OneNote, and make your data easier to use on your phone's OneNote side.
In the 'Auto OneNote' tool, click the 'Task' menu -> 'Add Monitor Excel File Task' menu item in the main menu.
- This feature will pop up a window so you can pick an Excel file from your hard drive.
- Then, specify the current OneNote page as the page that synchronizes the contents of the Excel file.
After 3 minutes, you can see that the OneNote page automatically shows the contents of the Excel file's.
Open the Excel file, and then edit (modify, add, delete) the Excel file.
In this example, we deleted the 'Customer ID' column in the Excel file.
Then, save and close the Excel file.
Note: Auto OneNote is only working with the Excel File that is not open. When an Excel file is open, other applications cannot open the file again.
After 3 minutes, the deleted 'Customer ID' column disappeared from the OneNote page.
This completes the automatic synchronization.
Similarly, adding, modifying, and deleting Excel files also automatically synchronizes these operations with Auto OneNote tool.